7-6-2020 Gulkana River
The next morning, we all were feeling it after paddling down the lake and hitting every boulder on the river. After breakfast we get packed up and load the rafts for our second day. We found a few places to finally get our lines in but the salmon are late and not that far up river yet so even the rainbow were far and few between. Finding a good place to land and some flat ground to set up camp is always what we look for. This gravel bar was perfect as someone had been here before us, there was even a cleared spot above the bank. The weather changing by the hour from billowy clouds to thunder and lighting. We do need a big foot print to fit our tent we usually have to do lots of branch and root cutting. Everyone is getting excited for dinner as its steak night, I always bring some great steaks and sides for one of our nights out, yes we had vegetables as well.
Jamie telling one of his many stories (day 2)
Weston in background with his mosquito net head gear
Doug wetting a line
Kenny with first rainbow
Found a good place to camp
Setting up for dinner
Enjoying sitting down
Our camp 2nd day
Chef Doug cooking Steaks cowboy style
Yep we had vegetables
Enjoying the dinner
Some hash browns
Kenny going after it.
- 7-7-2020 Gulkana River - October 7, 2021
- 7-6-2020 Gulkana River - October 7, 2021
- 7-5-2020 Gulkana River - October 5, 2021