San Diego 2-25-2020

San Diego 2-25-2020

San Diego is one of our favorite places to visit, we got married here and the weather is always pleasant. We jump in to the Mini and head south 18 miles to enjoy what San Diego has to offer. The Mini has proved to be a great tow vehicle and a lot of fun to drive. Staying with traffic in California means you better stay on the gas or stay in the right lane. We are headed to Balboa Park one of the largest urban parks in America and all of a sudden the I feel a bump like hitting a chuck hole and then the Mini swerves, I know immediately we have a flat. I head for an exit and the side of the road to determine the damage. The tire has not completely deflated yet and I can see a large screw in the tire. I decide to continue to drive further to get to safe place. Believe it or not our Mini did not come with a spare tire even though there is a space for it. Before our trip I went to a wrecking yard and found a donut spare tire ($20) instead of buying a new one for $150. So glad I did and even though we have road side service it could be hours before they get to us. We find a parking lot inside Balboa Park and I change the tire to the spare donut tire. We are not to far from my favorite tire store Discount tire and drive there to get the original tire repaired or replaced. I always recommend Discount Tire or in some area’s its called Americas Tire for all your tire needs. They have over a thousand store in 35 states so you are covered where ever you go. We arrive at the closets store and they are busy as usual, they are prompt in greeting us and said they would do their best to squeeze us in. We have time for lunch and walk to a local restaurant called Naked Café. WOW what great place, take a look at the food, we highly recommend this place. After lunch get back to Discount Tire just as they are finishing up on the repair and at no charge, another reason I buy all my tires from them. Off to Balboa Park, even though we have been in San Diego many times we have not spent much time in Balboa Park. There are so many exhibits, gardens and events it makes it hard to see it all.

Naked Café
Roast Beef Hash and eggs
Calexxican with Soyrizo
Latte with cinnamon for Angela

Balboa Park

Balboa Park

Cabrillo Bridge

California Tower

Balboa Park

Lily Pond Lagoon

Botanical Garden Balboa Park

Botanical Garden Balboa Park

San Diego Museum of Art

San Diego Museum of Art

Marston House Garden

Local Street Musician

Botanical Garden Balboa Park

Balboa Park
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