Dallas TX 11-8-2018

Dallas, TX

Dallas TX 11-8-2018

This adventure takes us to Dallas from Houston area, our first stop is a rest area in Streetman TX where the signs say it all. They are the nicest of all the rest areas we visited. Onward to Dallas where we overnighted in Addison TX near Dallas at the Crowne Plaza. We got a great rate on Priceline around $78 plus parking, it was a great hotel back in the 90’S, it was needing some love but suited us fine, it was our first hotel stay on our RV trip. That night we met family at their pizza parlor called Carmine’s Pizzeria owned by the family. The next day we did some reminiscing for Angela around Dallas where she use to live. One of her highlights was going to the Highland Park Cafeteria, we tried to go there but a gas line break prevented us, they did give us delicious muffins. We are still hungry so off to Luby’s Cafeteria, we did not go away hungry. Our next stop was Natural Grocers one of our favorites, this particular one used to be a movie theater where Angela went as a child. They are very well priced and all the vegetables & fruit is organic.

watch for snakes


Streetman TX
Streetman TX, Roadside stop, their rest areas are incredible. ****
Crowne Plaze Addision TX
Crowne Plaza Addison TX
Pizza with the family

Carmine’s Pizzeria Pizza with the family.

Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX – Casa Linda, Highland Park Cafeteria, tried to go here but gas line break prevented us,
they did give us delicious muffins. ***
Dallas, TX
East Dallas, TX – Lubys, another hang out of Angela’s,

Dallas, TX

Dallas, TX, Lubys

Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX – Casa Linda, Natural Grocers, it use to be an old theater where Angela went as a kid. ****

natural grocer
Angela’s old home

natural grass
Angela’s old home
Angela’s Elementary School
reaction center
Angela’s Elementary School
reaction building
Harry Stone Recreation Building

Bryan Adams High School
Angela’s old home

White Rock Lake Dallas TX
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