El Cajon CA 2-24-2020

El Cajon CA 2-24-2020

Its buffet day today and usually I’m a get up and eat breakfast kind of guy, this morning I’m skipping breakfast so I can load up on the Choices Buffet. We receive a 20% discount as a Myprivileges customer on the buffet which normally is $30 so $60 less 20% is $48 and our winnings cover that, what a good deal. With our belly’s full we prepare to hit the road to our next stop, El Cajon CA at the Circle RV Resort. When we arrive at the Circle RV Resort we find why the name Circle comes into play, all the spaces are in a very tight circle, we were spoiled at the Pala RV Resort. We will stay here a couple of nights because it is close to San Diego.

Choices Buffet
Choices Buffet
Choices Buffet
Choices Buffet

Plate one Choices Buffet

Plate one Choices buffet

Circle RV Resort

Circle RV Resort
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