Kansas City MO 3-23-2019

Kansas City MO

Kansas City MO 3-23-2019

We are excited to get back to the World War 1 Memorial and Museum this morning. The grounds are spectacular with the spire marking and memorializing the lives lost. Inside you are greeted by this giant glass floor with red poppies below, 9 thousand to be exact, one poppy for every thousand deaths, hard to believe. We follow the tour group around and are amazed at the history that gets lost in education today. These volunteers are extremely knowledgeable and willing to engage in discussions. We highly recommend a visit here to see and understand the sacrifice that was made for our freedoms today. Our grandfather was very lucky to have survived as he crashed 3 planes and walked away. He took pictures not only of the enemy when he was flying but lots of pictures while he was in Europe, which I have today. When we finish the tour and it’s time for lunch, we see Jack Stack BBQ is down town so we head that way. You can see downtown is healthy with commerce and building, the area we are going to is called Freight House, an historic part of downtown where many restaurants and breweries call home. We are big BBQ fans and this place is the mecca of BBQ. The service and atmosphere were excellent, our server was well versed and helped us pick out a selection. When it came, we thought there was no way to finish this meal, guess what, take a look at the empty plates. After lunch we needed to walk the thousands of calories we just ingested so a trip to what locals call the Country Club Plaza with the J.C. Nichols Fountain as its center piece. Boulevards stretching every direction full of restaurants, stores and points of interest. We stop by and see Ben and discuss life, he is not much of a talker so I gave him a Noogie. We stop by True Food restaurant which would have eaten at if we were not so full still. On our stroll down 47Th Ave we see these beautiful mosaic stairs, Valencia Place and use them as a back drop. We head back to our RV and explore the neighborhood, as it turns out the hill that we are parked on has lots of history most of it is owned by the Church of Christ which has a huge church their that is a architectural site to see.

Independance MO

Independence MO – Campus RV Park

Kansas City MO, 1st World War Memorial

Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO – National World War I Museum and Memorial, 9,000 red poppys each one stands for a 1,000 lives lost in the war.

Kansas City MO

Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial

Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial

Kansas City MO

Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial

My Grandpa Gilbert Burnet WW1 Pilot
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial, countries in Red involved in WW1
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO- 1st World War Memorial

Kansas City MO

Kansas City MO, Freight House

Kansas City MO, Freight House

Kansas City MO, Jack Stack BBQ

Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO, Jack Stack BBQ
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO, Jack Stack BBQ
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO, Jack Stack BBQ
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO, Jack Stack BBQ
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO, Jack Stack BBQ
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO, Jack Stack BBQ
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO, Jack Stack BBQ
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO, Jack Stack BBQ
Kansas City MO
Jack Stack BBQ
Did not think we could eat it all?

Kansas City MO, J.C. Nichols Fountain

Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO

Kansas City MO

Kansas City MO, Benjamin Franklin

Kansas City MO, Giving Benjamin Franklin a Noogie

Kansas City MO

Kansas City MO, True Food

Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO, West 47th Ave

Kansas City MO

Kansas City MO, Neptune Fountain

Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO, Country Club Plaza
Kansas City MO
Kansas City MO, Valencia Place Stairs

Independance MO

Independence MO, Church of Christ

Independance MO
Independence MO, Church of Christ
Independance MO
Independence MO, Community of Christ Temple
Independance MO
Independence MO, Confederate Line
Independance MO
Independence MO, Community of Christ Temple
Independance MO
Independence MO – Community of Christ Temple
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