Leaving OR 10-16-2018
I wake up early with hoping I can find a local place to get our tow vehicle lights working properly, I start dialing but Creswell OR is a small community and all the possible places are scheduling out to next week, this is something we will continue to find through out our trip. The sun is shinning and the scenery is beautiful. I have driven all over Oregon when I was a manufacture rep and know what to expect heading south on I5. There a number of passes that are pretty steep and know we will be working the Chevy engine hard. We continue the search for RV or trailer service companies that might be able to accommodate us, everyone is booked until Angela finds a small company in Central Point OR called All Pro Fleet Services, its hidden at the back of a industrial park and in trying to find it I drive in to a dead end where I have to unhook the Cooper to get turned around, we are still thankful that we found a company that would even talk to us. After unhooking the Cooper we of course find the Coopers battery dead, All pro sends a tech over to get us jumped started and w get turned around and head to their shop. Very friendly staff and the manager, tech and I discuss the possibilities. Wiring the tow vehicle looks like a much bigger job than anyone wants to take on so I suggest some trailer lights that we can attach to the roof of the Cooper, we call around and find someone can deliver the part in 20 minutes, I’m feeling sense of relief in that we can get this done and keep driving. The Cooper is still running hoping to continue charging the battery and when the lights arrive the tech and I put them on, it was probably something I could have done but allowed him to put it together. We gets it done fairly quickly with the Cooper hooked back up and lights in place we plug it in to the trailer plug in the back of the RV, voilà we have lights. We go in to the office to see what all this is going to cost and are somewhat shocked at $227.48 but glad to get it done. Off we go determined to get farther down the road. We cross in to California with border agents stopping us to check for fruit and vegetables, it is easy to say we don’t have, with the refrigerator still not working. It really takes a co-pilot (Angela) to keep us on track. Angela found an App called AllStays that has everything you need to find places to stay. We estimate our driving time and see that we would end up south of Mt. Shasta in a place called Lakehead RV, we know we will be driving in the dark again so we let the manager know we will be coming in late. The scenery is turning very Californian with lots of ground scorched from the many forest fires, MT Shasta is beautiful but shaded by a smoky haze. The road is steep and curvy and can’t wait until we arrive. We take the exit to get to Lakehead RV and find the road dark and narrow, again we remind ourselves not to set up in the dark but we want to maximize our driving time so we can get to Texas in time. We cant find the space we arranged to park in, it needs to be a drive thru so we are frustrated. We call the owner who sends one of his assistants to find us with his golf carts and guide us to the right spot. Its heavily wooded and we are thankful to finally rest.

- 7-7-2020 Gulkana River - October 7, 2021
- 7-6-2020 Gulkana River - October 7, 2021
- 7-5-2020 Gulkana River - October 5, 2021