Navarre FL-12-13-2018
Here’s a lesson we can learn from, I think of myself as mechanically inclined and really enjoy all machines but especially ones that burn fuel. So, I meticulously maintain our vehicles to not only give them longevity but make them perform well. Our Mini Cooper had 67,000 miles on it when we bought and we have put thousands of driving miles as well as towing miles. I’m very sensitive to noises and vibrations so I noticed the Mini getting louder than usual with a very distinct sound sounding like a turbo valve flap. The oil was done in Texas so it could not be that, it’s certainly not showing any smoke out the exhaust, it could be an exhaust leak. I went to a local shop and they referred me to a exhaust specialist in Fort Walton. The noise was very inconsistent but mostly at startup, I found the company Top Gun Performance, I’m met by the owner a young retired service guy, very friendly and knowledgeable, he said he would take a look at it, so I head out for some lunch. When I returned he had three mechanics looking at it, (not reassuring) and he came back and said it could be the turbo going out, my heart sank as that would be a $3,000 problem they took the protective heat shield off and could not determine if that was the problem, he then checks the oil and sure enough its two quarts low, I was thankful but mad at myself for not checking it sooner. The Mini takes a specific high-grade synthetic that he thankfully had. To show you what kind of guy he was he only charged me for the oil. I had him leave the shield off and returned to Navarre. Feeling reassured that it was just a oil problem I found a local garage based on referrals called 87 Garage, so named as it sits on Hwy 87 just a few blocks east of Hwy 98. This very unassuming metal building was a beehive of activity with some interesting collectable cars parked outside. This gave me the impression that I would be in good hands. I’m met by Darrell the owner, a friendly but no-nonsense kind of guy, I ask him if he could install the shield and he said of course then pointed to a board with about 50 keys on it showing he had plenty of work, when do you need it done, he asked? I said as soon as possible, so he says drop it off tomorrow morning and I will get it done. With most shop hourly starting at $95 I ask him how much and he said I can do it for $50 cash, I was pleased with the answer. I now carry a gallon of 5-30 Walmart synthetic oil (best price) in the back of Mini, this also works for our small block Chevy RV engine.
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