Parker AZ 3-3-2020
Its time to move and we found a free place to stay near Parker AZ, as the saying goes nothing for free but, Emerald Cove Resort has a promotion for 3 night stay for free if you listen to their presentation, yep just like time share deals. This one is a little different as they want to sell you RV space in many resorts across the country for a fee of course. We figure we can endure the pitch as they are throwing in a gas card plus a tablet. We need to fuel up the RV and grab some lunch before heading to Parker AZ, we find the AMPM as the GAS Buddy app says their prices are good. Up the street we find a local sandwich place called Born’s Best Sandwiches. They have a oversized parking lot which works great for us. Its a deli and we build some awesome sandwiches, we would definitely recommend this spot. Its about 40 miles south to Parker AZ and then we cross the Colorado River to the California side of the River. As we get closer to our destination GPS says to go across the Parker Dam as its a shorter distance. We don’t think much of it and head down this country road until we see the Dam. The signs say no commercial vehicles or RVs can cross, no problem right, we will just turn around back to the Hwy except, this is a very narrow road and my turning radius is limited. I was smart enough to see there was a road ahead to the right that I might use to squeeze a turn around in. The problem is I have a cliff on one side and if I cant make the turn I will have to un-hook the Mini as I can’t back up, I will also be blocking traffic to do this. I estimate where I can maximize the turning radius and start to execute the turn. My wheels are touching the first ditch as I continue to the cliff side of the road, I’m inches from slipping down the grade when we see that we will just make it, Oh my goodness! Back down the way we came to finish the trip to Parker AZ. The town of Parker was mostly stores on both sides of the road as we make our way through town and across the Colorado River to Emerald Cove. On the way there we see the famous Green Alien Rock to add to the adventure. We check in at the office and find a space close to the river, the park is full of kinds of RV’s, from little pull behinds to 45 ‘ dream coaches. They have a long sandy beach for easy access to the river. The spaces are narrow but adequate, we get hooked up and settle in for the night.
Alien Rock
State park next door
Emerald Cove Resort Pool & Restaurant
Emerald Cove Resort Beach
- 7-7-2020 Gulkana River - October 7, 2021
- 7-6-2020 Gulkana River - October 7, 2021
- 7-5-2020 Gulkana River - October 5, 2021