Portland OR / Davey Rocket 10-13-2018
We head back to Davey Rockets to check on the progress and further delays, the Mini Cooper looks like it is done but now the is a difference in height between the hitch on the RV and the tow bar of the Cooper, Davey calls the manufacture and there is not to be more than a two inch drop from the receiver and the connection on the front of the Copper, that makes sense because if there is too much pressure on the Copper the receiver will not slide to actuate the brake mechanism. So now we need a drop receiver for the RV which can not be delivered until Monday, that will mean two more night’s stay because no one is open on Sunday. Not happy times two. We decided to change RV spots and reserved two nights at the Columbia RV Park, we get there to late to officially check in so we drive around to find an empty spot, most RV parks list what spaces are open and place on the office door so you can figure out what space you can have. This RV park is more typical pretty small places but flat cement with well-groomed grass around it, nice restrooms with clean showers not to far away. Nice family across from us traveling the US with a truck pulling a well outfitted Airstream, he said they just came back from Alaska. We settle in for the night and getting more a custom to the set up. We look forward to tomorrow a day off from getting things fixed. Still eating what we have in the RV.
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