White Bird Idaho 9-4-2020
Leaving Wallowa was difficult with fishing next to our RV but it was time to move on and see what White Bird Idaho has to offer. We stop in Enterprise OR for a bite, we found this health food store that makes great to go meals called Ruby Peak Naturals. After lunch back on the road towards White Bird Idaho and the Salmon River. The trip north using Highway 3 through Lewiston Washington was the only way to get there, we did have a view of the Snake River canyon on the way. White Bird is hidden under the highway and easy to miss, don’t expect much from this little town with population of 91 and their township measured in acres. The song White Bird was always one of my favorites. We did book a space at the Salmon River Resort for a couple of days, it was an ok space and considering there’s not much to choose from in that area. It was plenty hot that day and we were thankful to be under the trees.
Fall Salad
Turkey Sandwich
Snake River Canyon
Canyon Highway
Back into Washington
Back in to Idaho
Over the Snake River
- 7-7-2020 Gulkana River - October 7, 2021
- 7-6-2020 Gulkana River - October 7, 2021
- 7-5-2020 Gulkana River - October 5, 2021